The North/West Lower Michigan Synod is excited to introduce our Disability Ministries Task Force. The mission, or purpose, of the Disability Ministries Task Force is to serve as a reservoir of knowledge and resources for congregations who desire to begin or enhance their ministry with people who live with disabilities. This could include doing ministry with those who are already participating in the life of the congregation or welcoming those who live outside of the context of the worshiping community.  

The term “disability” refers to a condition of body or mind that requires accommodation. It covers a wide range of intellectual, physical, sensory, and mental health conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. live with some type of disability, and this number is growing. 

For more information about how the Disability Ministries Task Force may be of service to you, please reach out to Pastor Clay Bates, Chair of the Disability Ministries Task Force, at

Disability Ministries Resources

Books & Articles

Copious Hosting: A Theology of Access for People with Disabilities by Jennie Weiss Block

“Learning to Picture God from Those Who Cannot See” by Craig A. Satterlee

Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion by Lamar Hardwick

Autism and Alleluias by Kathleen Deyer Bolduc

Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities by Erik W. Carter


All Belong Center for Inclusive Education

Lamar Hardwick, The Autism Pastor

Together Bible Study

ELCA Disability Ministries


Ministry with Disabilities featuring Bishop Craig Alan Satterlee