What does a clock have to do with wellness? With daylight savings time coming to an end, some people may experience feelings of sadness and sluggishness. An article from Boston University reports Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression related to changes in the seasons, affects an estimated 10 million Americans with women four times more likely to be diagnosed with it than men.
Some of the treatments suggested for SAD include yoga, relaxation techniques and just movement! If you are covered by ELCA Primary Health Benefits, Burn Along, the online health and fitness benefit, has a wide variety of classes you can take at your convenience. Just some of the many topics include K-9 Fit Club; exercise with your dog, Fit Over 50; Lower Back Relief with Yoga, Nutrition, Cardio, Mindfulness and Dance classes. Sessions vary in length and skill from beginner to experienced. Time change? Winter blues? Holiday over-eating? No problem just sign in to your My Portico and Burn Along!
And while you’re “Burning Along” don’t forget about the Podcasts: Being Here, hosted by Pastor Melissa Pohlman, found on MyPortico. New Podcast will be released soon that center around: Retirement: Navigating Your Next Chapter, Christian Conversations about Racial Justice, Creative Approaches to Innovative Ministry. The new podcasts will be available on the Being Academy (via myPortico) early next week, and for those not on Portico benefits they will be available by the end of November on PorticoBenefits.org.
As we begin to prepare for the days that are coming, and plan for the holidays, may we find the cross of Jesus centered in our conversations and be reminded that we all live in the hope of God’s graciousness during these days of doing ministry in ways we never dreamed.