The ELCA is excited to share new Service and Justice resources, events, and opportunities!
Global Mission Updates is now the Service and Justice Updates. The Winter/Spring 2021 Service and Justice Updates bring together a snapshot of the work of the Service and Justice Home Area and reflect on the important changes within the churchwide organization.
Kuambatana (Accompaniment): The Ministry of Mark and Linda Jacobson is a new documentary video that will primer as a Facebook live event on Saturday, April 24th at 11:00 a.m. CDT.
Gender and Leadership in Church in Society, April 15, 2021, is a 9-week study course through the United Theological College of the West Indies. The cost is $100 US dollars. Register Now.
Climate, Justice and Faith is an online certificate program offered by Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Applications are open until June 15, 2021. This is a program for Lay and Rostered Leaders. The program has a tuition fee but scholarships are available. Learn More.
Luther at the Diet of Worms: A Conscience Captive to God’s Word, April 16, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (CDT) is a one session webinar offered by the ELCA Wittenberg Center. This webinar is held on the 500th Anniversary of Luther’s journey to the city of Worms to answer charges of heresy before the Emperor Charles V. Professor Martin Lohrmann (Wartburg Theological Seminary) and Professor Kirsi Stjerna (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary) will explore the significance of this historic event. Register Now.
Let Us be a Sign to You is a webinar offered on April 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. (CDT) by the members of the ELCA’s Association of Lutherans of Arab and Middle Eastern Heritage – ALAMEH. April is National Arab American Heritage Month. Register Now.
Imagine: God’s Earth and People Restored is the theme of the 2021 online Ecumenical Advocacy Days, April 18 – 21, 2021. Register Now.
Global Personnel Opportunities: Do you know someone who is pondering Global Mission Service? Despite how Covid-19 has impacted the world and how countries are carrying out vaccine campaigns, companion churches are adjusting to this new reality and are preparing to receive new global mission personnel. While this openness to sending and receiving a missionary can change due to travel restrictions and conditions in specific countries, there are strategic positions that we are currently recruiting for. Learn More.
Global Gifts: We cannot thank you enough for the financial contributions that you have given to ELCA Companion Churches. As a church we are blessed both in our ability to give and to receive. The Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil made a contribution to the Lutheran Disaster Response following the crisis in Texas. Many synods have contributed to projects that impact ministries in our Companion Churches. Learn More.