Hebrews, James, and 1 Peter
Dr. Walter Taylor, Trinity Lutheran Seminary
As the Christian church continued to grow, it found itself in new witness settings that raised new questions. What does it mean to be faithful witnesses when enthusiasm is lagging, people are in need, or Christians are being rejected by their society? Hebrews, James and 1 Peter provide models of how Christians are able to witness in such situations.
Also in this session: Renewal and Vitality in our Congregations and Lay Evangelism Training with Rev. David E. Sprang, Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission, North/West Lower Michigan Synod
Dates: Friday (9am) –Saturday (3pm), September 28-29, 2018
Retreat Site: St Peter Lutheran Church, 1079 Riverside Dr, Battle Creek MI 49015, 269-963-4170
Retreat Cost: $50.00 (includes Friday and Saturday lunch)
Lodging Site: TownPlace Suites by Marriott, 12917 Harper Village Dr,
Battle Creek MI 49014, 269-580-8600
Lodging Deadline: Friday, August 31, 2018
Lodging Code: ELMM
Lodging Rate: $125 (includes Saturday breakfast)
Daniel, Apocalyptic, and the Early Jewish Period; Revelation
Dr. Walter Taylor, Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Daniel was written in a difficult time in which the Jewish people were confronted with religious, political, and cultural annihilation. To understand Daniel, we need to quickly survey the history leading up to the writing of this book.
Revelation has been frequently misused. It has been divorced from its historical setting and understood as a book of secret codes that program how God will act at the end of time. Revelation does tell us how the story will end: It will end with the defeat of all evil and with God united with God’s people.
Also in this session: Introduction to Healthy Congregations with Rev. Clayton H. Bates, Chair, ELMM Board of Governors
Dates: Friday (9am) –Saturday (3pm), October 26-27, 2018
Retreat Site: Faith Lutheran Church, 4432 Mackinaw Rd, Saginaw, MI 48603, 989-799-0162
Retreat Cost: $50.00
Lodging Site: Holiday Inn Express, 2501 Tittabawasee Rd, Saginaw, MI 48604, 989-792-7500
Lodging Deadline: Friday, September 28,2018
Lodging Code: ELM
Lodging Rate: $155 (includes Saturday breakfast)