In Baptism all young people are called by God into the community of Jesus, the church. From Baptism and beyond it is the responsibility of the young person’s family and church community to help them grow in faith and reflect on what it means to be in school and be a Baptized child of God.
The Horizon Apprenticeship Program is designed to help young people of color or whose primary language is a language other than English acquire a missional imagination to help them discern their future, and the role that Jesus and the church has in their life.
Each apprentice accepted into the program will work at their home congregation for the summer completing an 8-week, 20 hour/week internship. They will also participate in online learning and networking sessions. They will receive a stipend of $1,800 for the summer. A young person may participate in the program up to two times.
Applications are open now through Tuesday, March 22. Please submit both Part I and Part II of the application to Cynthia Zamora at by the deadline.