2023 Update on Portico Health Rates and Plan Changes

What’s changing for 2023:

  • ELCA-Primary health contribution baseline rate will increase 3%1, the same rate increase as last year, which was the lowest in eight years. The 3% increase also applies to sponsored members receiving the ELCA Medicare-Primary health benefit Standard option.
  • ELCA-Primary Gold+ option deductibles will increase to $1,500 for member only, $2,250 for member and child(ren) and $3,000 for member and spouse or member, spouse, and child(ren). Coinsurance, out-of-pocket limits, and prescription drug cost-share will not change.

Prepare for 2023 Annual Enrollment

As you prepare to make selections in October, keep these things in mind:

  • The ELCA recommends two ELCA-Primary health benefit options: (1) Gold+, or (2) Silver+ with a monthly employer contribution to the member’s health savings account (HSA). Sponsoring employers (congregations and organizations) will selection the option they will offer their employees Oct. 3-14. Your registered EmployerLink user can access the 2023 Decision Guide and their Custom Comparison Report to help determine 2023 costs and options. Note: any organization that does not make a selection will be assigned Silver+ (A) to offer their plan members the ability to choose the coverage that works best for them.
  • Sponsored members, watch for an email from Portico with specific information about 2023 Annual Enrollment, including when your selection period will be open. Most – but not all – plan members will make their selection between Oct. 20-27.

Invest in Your Emotional Health

Boost your emotional health this fall by joining live webinar led by Learn to Live’s clinical team. September’s sessions – which run 15- or 30-minutes – focus on Time Management; Staying Refreshed and Preventing Burnout; and Avoiding Negative Thinking Traps. Learn more about the webinars, and use the code PORTICO to register. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rev. Cathy Schibler, Regional Representative from Portico.  She can be reach at cschibler@porticobenefits.org