Registration open for the 7th Summer Institute on Theology and Disability, May 23-26, in Holland, Michigan.

Meeting, thinking, sharing and networking at the intersections of theology, faith, and disability. That’s what the Summer Institutes on Theology and Disability are about, open to anyone. This year features a an opening “Community Day” with SI-TED talks by the Summer Institute faculty, plenary sessions on the integration of disability concerns into seminary life and curriculum, ministries with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, theology and profound disability, a first Ruderman Family Foundation Jewish lecture, and a first Jean Vanier Emerging Scholar lectureship. A Ph.D. Student Symposium and over 30 afternoon workshops fill the afternoons. Other highlights include a luncheon picnic the Friendship House at our host, Western Theological, optional excursions with dinner on Wednesday evening, an optional post Institute visit to Zeeland Christian School where Barbara Newman and colleagues are based, a Cooperative Resource Exhibit, luncheon roundtable discussions, and lots of networking.

The Summer Institute is now one of the projects of the national Collaborative on Faith and Disability.  More information is on the website at:

Registration for the Institute and lodging at Hope College are being handled through Hope College at