There’s still time to submit a quilt square for the synod quilt!

Each congregation is asked to submit one 6 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ inch quilt block with the congregations’s name and location and a representative symbol. If your congregation has not already submitted a square, please do so by March 31st, 2016.

There are several options if you have no quilting experience, including painting and photo transfer. If you need assistance creating a block, contact the Synod Office (517-321-5066).



  • Send your block to the Synod Office by March 31st (2900 N. Waverly Rd. Lansing, MI 48906)
  • Use 100% cotton–choose your own color
  • Block size is 6 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ total (includes seam allowance)
  • Leave 1/4″ undecorated on each edge for seam allowance
  • Do whatever you’d like as long as it will hold up long-term: cross-stitch, embroider, paint, photo transfer, etc
  • If using a pen, use a “pigma pen” which doesn’t bleed (available at Meijer and other large stores)
  • Include a symbol that you think represents your congregation. Ideas include religious words or symbols (dove, chalice, bread, cross, etc), nature (trees, stream, lake, fruit, etc), or distinctive building features (church building, tower, etc) Be creative!
  • Include your congregation name (no need to include “Lutheran Church”) and location (city or area)