Walter F. Taylor Jr., the Ernest W. and Edith S. Orgram Professor of New Testament Studies, has embarked on a six-month sabbatical he calls the “Thank You Tour,” beginning July 1 and ending December 31, 2015. During that time, he has made himself available without honorarium to speak at conferences, congregations, and rostered leaders’ events anywhere in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but especially in Region 6. His primary interest during the sabbatical is in teaching (workshops, presentations); although, he would be open to a limited number of preaching opportunities.
Dr. Taylor was the keynote speaker at the 2015 Synod Assembly of the North/West Lower Michigan Synod and is a beloved teacher in the Synod’s Lay Ministry Training Program. He has published 150 books, articles, chapters, reviews, and audio-visual materials, including his Paul, Apostle to the Nations: An Introduction (2012).
Dr. Taylor will be lecturing around the Mitten from October19-23, 2015.