Practice Discipleship (PD) is a movement within the larger ELCA to promote living as disciples through a variety of interactive sessions that help us to live out our baptisms through seven faith initiatives. These faith initiatives are pray, serve, invite, encourage, give, worship, and study.

Practice Discipleship offers free curriculum, online, webinars, and learning sessions that can be used for congregation wide conversations, youth leadership training, council retreats, continuing education for ministry leaders, and a variety of ways that fit your personal congregation and community.

For more information on Practice Discipleship, contact the Mitten Synod PD Member from your area (as listed below) and visit: 

Mitten Synod Team Coach & Grand Traverse Conference

Diaconal Minister Julia Nelson

Bay Area Conference

Beth Mundwiler

Capital Conference

Paul Schmidt

Kalamazoo Conference

Megan Floyd

Stony Lake & Grand Rapids Conference

Ed Wosinski

Sunrise Conference

Vicki Denstaedt