Early bird registration for the 2016 Grace Gathering ends in just two weeks, on Jan. 31, so reserve your spot today!
The Grace Gathering will be held in partnership with the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans Aug. 10-13.
The gathering will bring people together from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Participants will see the church in action, worship with Churchwide Assembly voting members, engage in experiential learning, and attend a variety of workshops that will equip congregations and synods with tools to prepare for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.
The partnership of the Grace Gathering and the 2016 Churchwide Assembly will provide a place for all members to prepare for the Reformation anniversary – which is an opportunity to rejoice in the life-giving, liberating power of the gospel – by connecting, reflecting on and discovering ways the Reformation continues to guide us today.
Learn more and register at www.ELCA.org/GraceGathering.
Stay up-to-date on gathering news by going to the 2016 Grace Gathering event on Facebook!