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Synod Disability Learning Day

October 5, 2024

Our synod’s Disability Ministry Task Force is sponsoring another Disability Learning Day event for both rostered ministers and laity. The event will be held on Saturday, October 5th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm at Peace Lutheran Church in Gaylord.

The Keynote Address will be given by Victoria White who serves as Program Director at With Ministries. Her experience and passion in education and ministry converge in her writing, speaking, consulting and training for congregations, equipping them to build belonging with people of all abilities. The Keynote Address will share ways of including people with varying disabilities in worship, and best practices for building belonging.

Participants may also choose two workshops from three offerings:

Biblical Perspective on Disability led by Bishop Craig Satterlee

Ministry with People with Dementia, led by Pastor Clay Bates

Normalizing Neurodiversity (autism, etc.) in Your Context, led by Victoria White

There will be group discussion time to share struggles and challenges; or, ideas and strategies that have worked in your context.

Registration is $20 and includes lunch and a free book or fidget toy.  There will also be books and other resources for sale.

Registration closes Friday, September 27th. Register Now.

For more information, contact Pastor Clay Bates at

This event has been generously supported by a member of our synod who shares our passion for ministry with people with disabilities.


October 5, 2024